
How to Introduce New Chews with Your Dog’s Safety in Mind

Madelene Hissom · Nov 9, 2020

Most pet owners love to spoil their furry friends with new toys and fun surprises. And there’s nothing wrong with that! Whether it is a new toy, a leash, or a chew – go for it. But when it comes to dog chews, it is important to provide your dog with the right kind of treat, one that best supports their chewing capacity, age, and health. In this blog, you will learn how to best introduce new chews or treats with your dog’s safety in mind. 

Choose the Right Kind of Treats 

There are plenty of treat options on the market—but its crucial to stick to high-quality products that will not be harmful to your dog. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from rawhide, as it may pose a choking hazard. Instead, you may want to look into rawhide alternatives such as bully sticks or beef chews, which are made of single ingredients and are fully digestible.   

Another important factor to consider is your dog’s age, size, and chewing capacity. 

  • Light chew capacity: For dogs with a light chewing capacity—including puppies and senior dogsit’s important to choose treats that are easy on their teeth. Our Pixie Bully Sticks, Gullet Sticks, and Beef Jerky may be worth a try.  
  • Medium chew capacity: If you notice that your dog has a ‘normal’ chew time, meaning they don't finish their chew in a blink but also don't take hours to work through it, they probably fall under the medium chewing capacity category. Chews such as our Standard Bully Sticks, Trachea, or Pig Ears should be good options for these dogs. 
  • Hard chew capacity: You might notice that your dog "inhales" their treat quickly. That’s a good indicator that you can lean towards longer-lasting chews such as Braided Bully Sticks, Cow Hooves, or Beef Tendon.  

Monitor Chew Time 

When you change your dog’s diet, it’s all about transitioning slowly. The same applies for chews and treats. If you introduce a new treat too fast, your dog may end up with an upset tummy! Introduce the new treat over five days and let them chew for 3-5 minutes at first; then increase the length of each chew session until they are used to the new product. Don't forget to provide plenty of fresh water, too. 

Keep an Eye on Your Dog 

It’s always a good idea to keep a close eye on your four-legged friend to make sure they are chewing safely. You know your dog better than anyone else, and you'll be able to notice signs of potential discomfort or indicators that something is wrong. But, most often, your pup will love their new treat. Maybe they’ll even find their new favorite time-passing chew!