Natural Farm Blog

Does your fur child get anxious during thunder storms? Or maybe you need to know some tips on socializing your new puppy? Here you’ll find our guides, tips and articles about all things natural about your pet!

Your Dog’s Favorite Treats: Doing Good for the Earth and Others
Your Dog’s Favorite Treats: Doing Good for the Earth and Others

As a dog treat company, we sought to change the dog treat industry — and the world. And so far we are taking huge steps in the right direction. Natural Farm is making a splash in the world of sustainability and through our work with several non-profits.

Aug 31, 2021

The 5 Best Chews for Small Dogs
The 5 Best Chews for Small Dogs

Choosing the right treats for small can be difficult. This article will clear up the confusion about what you should look for when it comes to providing your pup with healthy, engaging small dog chew treats.

Aug 23, 2021

Does Your Dog Have Sensitive Teeth?
Does Your Dog Have Sensitive Teeth?

It can be difficult to notice dental problems and ailments in dogs until they are quite advanced. Learn some of the main signs of canine tooth sensitivity to help you spot issues before they become excessively painful for your pup.

Aug 10, 2021

5 Undeniable Signs Your Dog Loves You
5 Undeniable Signs Your Dog Loves You

Keeping your bond with your dog strong will make for a more secure pet. Your dog will trust you because you’ve proven that you’re reliable. Your dogs' body language offers an insight into how they feel about you.

Aug 3, 2021

Why Your Dog is Chewing, and How to Redirect This Natural Instinct
Why Your Dog is Chewing, and How to Redirect This Natural Instinct

Chewing is an innate and necessary behavior for dogs of all ages and leaves them feeling happy and content. The goal is to not eliminate the chewing behavior, but redirect it so that your dog is fulfilled and living their best life.

Jul 26, 2021

6 Practical Tips for Camping With Dogs
6 Practical Tips for Camping With Dogs

Whether you’re brand new to camping with your pup or are simply looking for ways to make the experience easier for both of you, these tips for camping with dogs will set you up for a safe and rewarding experience.

Jul 20, 2021

7 Signs That It’s Time to Hire a Dog Trainer
7 Signs That It’s Time to Hire a Dog Trainer

The 7 most common signs that it’s time to call in the reinforcement of a professional dog trainer. If you’ve wondered if it’s time to call a trainer, the answer is likely, “yes,” especially if your dog has presented some of the behaviors outlined in this article.

Jul 14, 2021

5 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog
5 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Learning new tricks rewards your dog with mental stimulation and increases their physical prowess. Ready to dive into some dog training fundamentals? Get started with these 5 easy tricks to teach your dog. 

Jul 7, 2021

What are Bully Sticks Made From?
What are Bully Sticks Made From?

As your dog sinks their teeth into one of their tasty, tough, and delicious bully sticks, the question may have crossed your mind.. “What are bully sticks made of?”

Jun 28, 2021

3 Recipes for a Pup-tastically Fun Summer
3 Recipes for a Pup-tastically Fun Summer

If you’re planning a summer event, gotcha day or you just want to spoil your dog with healthy, tasty treats, these recipes cannot be beaten. You don’t have to be a professional chef to create these beautiful recipes. They’re easy, delicious, and nutritious.

Jun 18, 2021

The Importance of Playing with Your Dog
The Importance of Playing with Your Dog

Puppies use play to learn about the world around them. They explore the world with their mouths as they teeth and chew. Puppies also learn about boundaries and socializing as they wrestle, tug, and nip. Playing gives your dog one-on-one undivided attention, which helps them feel like a special part of your life.

Jun 9, 2021

7 Safety Tips for Hiking with Your Dog
7 Safety Tips for Hiking with Your Dog

Before you head out on the trails, read these tips to keep your dog safe and keep the fun in your expedition.

Jun 3, 2021